Lila Begum and Graham Tranquada are the two Labour candidates for Putnoe Ward in the Borough Council elections on Thursday 2 May.
My name is Lila Begum and I have lived in Bedford for over 25 years.
I have worked in many different fields e.g. welfare law, domestic violence ,modern slavery.
I have advised and advocated as a frontline professional supporting the most vulnerable to working at a strategic level too.
I have been an Independent Adviser for a charity that promotes Equality and Diversity.
I have been a committee member for many charities and at present for the Queens Park Community Orchard.
I have made positive changes in the community in the projects that I have worked on and helped many people too.
I have worked in Putnoe and have a good understanding of the local issues.
With my skills and dedication to make the change, I know I can make Putnoe Progress.
I am the Trade Union Liaison Officer of Bedford & Kempston Labour Party working together with local Trade Unions to protect local jobs, businesses and public services.
I have organised and taken part in many campaigns to defend public services and the working conditions of those who provide these essential services.
Currently I am active with the Hands Off Bedford Hospital Group in scrutinising those organisations responsible for providing health services for local people. Proud to be part of the campaign to maintain the Putnoe Walk-in Centre.
I represent Goldington & Putnoe Branch on the Executive Committee of Bedford & Kempston Labour Party and I am also President of Bedford & District Trades Council and Chair of Bedford CND.