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MP asks Rail Minister EWR Questions

Bedford Labour

Mohammad Yasin MP writes: "In an Adjournment debate yesterday, I took the opportunity to question the Transport Minister on the East-West Rail consultation, and to commit to the four-track solution that would protect homes in the Poets area. I am pleased that the Minister has agreed to properly investigate this option with East West Rail. I also asked the Rail Minister if his Department for Transport (DFT) were considering a re-run of the 2019 consultation because only they have it in their gift to make that decision and I’ve been told repeatedly that this won’t happen. I see no sign in the Transport Minister’s response last evening that they have moved on this and only refer to the next statutory consultation. Parliamentary convention means I can only make brief comments in another MPs’ Adjournment debate, so I also took the opportunity to ask Richard Fuller, who brought the debate, to clarify his position on East-West Rail. Whilst Mr. Fuller and I agree on a number of points – including the need for the environmental impact of the project to be fully considered, and for EWR to be more transparent and publish cost benefit analysis information, I do not believe it is possible for MPs to be “neutral” on such a vital local issue. It is important to remember that Mr Fuller was elected on a Tory manifesto pledge to deliver East West Rail and is on record supporting Route E when it was announced as the preferred route in January 2020. Supporting EWR but retrospectively adopting a position of route neutrality smacks of having your cake and eating it and is not a sustainable or honest position to take. I believe that all Bedfordshire MPs should unite against the demolition of homes. I will continue to use every opportunity to stand up for my constituents and press for homes to be protected." You can read the whole debate here:

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